High Quality Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows are durable, stylish and can be a fantastic long term investment for your home. If you’re looking to let as much natural light into your home as possible or simply want to enjoy the view, then these aluminium profiles require very little framework around the edge of the glazing.

Niddal’s range of stunning aluminium windows offer exceptional performance levels. Aluminium is a fantastic material to manufacture windows with as it’s super secure, weather resistant and thermally efficient. Because aluminium windows won’t rust corrode or deteriorate after time and heavy use, they are a fantastic investment for your home.

Because our aluminium windows are so durable and versatile, they can hold large panes of glass and be formed into almost any shape imaginable. Use our online quoting engine to get a free, instant and highly competitive aluminium window quote. We’re proud to offer outstanding prices for all of our customers, ensuring you only get the best for your home. Our pricing is a value for money way to get the very best for your home.

All of our windows are made tailored to you and the needs of your home and family. You can choose from a wide range of colours and handle options so you can create the perfect window for your property. They are the ideal addition for both traditional and modern homes. Use our online quoting engine to get an immediate estimate that is perfectly catered to the specifications of your home or visit our showroom to see our amazing range in person.

Features & Benefits


Slim Sightlines

Our aluminium window profiles provide slim sightlines to maximise exterior views and lighting. These strong but attractive aluminium frames can be customised to suit your home.


High Performing

Choose between double or triple glazing. Passivhaus standards can be achieved to ensure that your windows are working at optimum levels.



Fitted with multi point locking systems, aluminium windows can achieve high levels of safety. Their strong frames will help protect from force.


Long Lasting

Homeowners can enjoy their new aluminium windows for decades to come. They can resist the elements and require very little maintenance to stay in factory fresh condition for decades.

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Get an estimate on your new aluminium windows today by using our online quote generator.

How Can I Customise Niddal’s Aluminium Windows?

All our aluminium double glazing products are finished with a durable powder coat paint finish. Choose from a huge range of colours and finishes. Woodgrain and textured options are also available for those who want to add some heritage charm to their home. Choose from a range of handle styles to match your existing double glazing or home décor. Our handles are also available with either left hand or right hand opening configurations. They feature an attractive flush fitting push button and secure key locking mechanism. Select from double or triple glazing options. We also offer the choice between obscure glazing to increase privacy or leaded and decorative glazing for a decorative touch.

How Durable Are Aluminium Windows?

Aluminium windows are known for their durability, especially when exposed to the harsh Yorkshire weather. It’s unaffected by UV rays and rain, it will not rot, rust, bend or fade. Aluminium is also fireproof, offering enhanced safety for you and our family. All Niddal’s aluminium windows have a sleek powder coat finish as standard, which means that they never need to be painted as the finish offers long lasting durability and looks. To see more about how to keep your aluminium windows performing for longer, check out our maintenance page.

Are Aluminium Windows Energy Efficient?

Aluminium is a light and malleable material to manufacture windows with. This means it can be perfectly fitted to your Knaresborough home, offer optimum air tightness. Because these aluminium windows are wind, air and wind tight, your home will be warmer and have less draught. You will immediately start to notice a drop in your energy bills. There’s the option of double or triple glazing, depending on the level of thermal efficiency you want to achieve. Aluminium is also recyclable, which significantly reduces the overall carbon footprint of any aluminium windows. Recycling aluminium requires only 5% of the initial energy consumed to manufacture there.

What Is The Installation Time of These Windows?

The installation time for a set of aluminium windows varies significantly depending on the complexity of the design and the overall dimensions of your home. However, it’s a good benchmark to note that a single aluminium window can be fitted in around an hour or two. With this, a full set of windows can be completed within two to three days. Get in touch to learn more about the installation times.

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